As the D-day comes closer we start increasing our preparation efficiency and time management skills.But still there are some hacks which if known then help a lot during the exams.And here we go... Rehearse the exact situation that is going to happen on D-day a day before so that you are prepared for almost every possibility for the next day. Have some fruits like apple just before going inside the examination hall.This will keep you fill throughout the exam and you won't feel hungry. Also fruits won't consume much energy for being digested and you won't feel dizzy during the exam. While rehearsing the situation for the next day also keep packing the things required for the exam like stationary,documents,ID cards etc. A day before the exam take a light meal and have a sound sleep of around 8 hours.Switch off mobile phones or any other disturbing elements which can hamper your sleep. If the exam is based on rote learning then studying at the eleventh may help but othe...
Hey! Welcome to Zouvik's Blog ^_^ Being a fitness trainer as well as a Martial Arts Instructor I love to help people take care of their health through methods that are backed by science, through my blog. This blog is also a complete preparation guide to many competitive examinations like JEE ,Olympiads etc. aiming to help the fellow aspirants boost their preparation. So, what are you waiting for? Let's jump into it.