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A Dropper’s Plan

Wow!!! Nice to know that you are very serious about your JEE preparations.
Now coming to the point , getting 280-290 marks in JEE Mains isn’t an easy task. But, hey!!! Wait. It isn’t impossible either.
First of all please don’t make any rank or marks as your target.
Rather make a target to improve upon yourself everyday. Note down your mistakes and make sure you don’t repeat them. You may make a new mistake and then note it down, just make sure you are not repeating any of the previously made mistakes. And even if you repeat any mistake then again note it down,this way overtime when you will be revising those mistakes before any test then you will get to know that these are the mistakes that I make more often so in the test I have to be cautious about this. Initially things will be little messed up but over time you will have a whole record of the mistakes that you have made. Better is a devil known than the unknown.
As you are a dropper so time is very precious for you. Try your best to give the optimum time available till JEE.
I would personally suggest you to not go for many books. Rather focus more on keeping the theory very strong. For that make proper notes, by proper notes I mean whenever you learn some thing new on a topic while solving any new question or from any other source then note them down in your notes. For this thing you will have to plan a liitle bit. What I did was I left some pages after every chapter for this and I used to write in very small font so that I don’t have space problem later & I kept the last page of the copy for noting down what doubts I have to get cleared and revised those doubts regularly.
Keep practicing questions from quality sources(your coaching material, extreme end questions of H. C. VERMA’s every chapter are very good, NCERT is god book for Chemistry, Also keep doing previous year JEE questions.)
I have tried to keep the quality high in this list of books rather than just increasing the volume. But still do refer your teachers once regarding this. They are in this field since years and have much better experience than mine.
Never procrastinate, revise whatever is taught at the same day before going to bed. There is science behind this also. When you learn something in your class then you have 100% of it with you. While coming back after your classes you will have somewhat around 95-97% left with you. Say if you didn’t revise the thing taught the same day then the next day your mind will retain 75-80% of it. Now lets say if you don’t revise it for a week then you will be like “was this thing ever taught to us”.
Moral of the story- Never procrastinate
Also try to gain confidence in every topic that you read in all the subjects. Because if you have even 2 subjects out of PCM as your strong ones then also JEE paper setters can make scoring difficult for you(both JEE Mains and ADVANCED papers of 2018 can be taken as an example). Keep all the three subjects strong and maintain proper balance among them.
Strive for progression not for perfection. (A quote by my friend)
All the best!!! Expect the least prepare for the best.
Feel free to ask me for help regarding JEE Preparations.
