Aloha Amigos! Feeling sleepy is something I encountered a lot during my JEE preparations :p. Here are some of the tried and tested foolproof hacks (as in my language) which will solve your problem: Develop a habit of reading and understanding things fast.This will help you a lot. Try to take most of the food in breakfast ,a light dinner( try avoiding much rice made stuffs in lunch),and have a very light dinner.(trust me!!! I didn’t eat anything made outside my home & my mumma took special care of my diet during my preparation time.Sometimes it was monotonous and fustrating but at the end it was all worth.) Take power naps (it is a short sleep taken during the working day in order to restore one’s mental alertness).These power naps are very helpful in improving health issues also like blood pressure,stress etc. Adding some science into it.You must have have experienced that sometimes when you get up then also you are not satisfied with it.Also it must have happened that y...
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