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Showing posts from December, 2018

Why your children should start learning martial arts

Being a martial arts instructor I know the joy children have whilst learning martial arts. But there are many more reasons why kids should learn #martialarts. Parents should encourage and sign their children up and start reaping the benefits early! Self-Discipline- The modern day children are accustomed to getting what they want when they want. Martial arts teach restraint and patience. No one wants their child to spend hours and hours playing video games or sitting in front of the Television screen .Learning martial arts will help them get off their screens and sofas and encourage them to be physically active. Having a competition or tournament that the children can aim for helps teach them to set goals in life and whether they win or not it helps them to deal with either outcome which will be beneficial in later life. Martial arts teaches them to respect seniors as well as the place where they practice as they learn the arts. In this way it instills the habit of respecting o

Keep sleep OFF

Aloha Amigos! Feeling sleepy is something I encountered a lot during my JEE preparations :p. Here are some of the tried and tested foolproof hacks (as in my language) which will solve your problem: Develop a habit of reading and understanding things fast.This will help you a lot. Try to take most of the food in breakfast ,a light dinner( try avoiding much rice made stuffs in lunch),and have a very light dinner.(trust me!!! I didn’t eat anything made outside my home & my mumma took special care of my diet during my preparation time.Sometimes it was monotonous and fustrating but at the end it was all worth.) Take power naps (it is a short sleep taken during the working day in order to restore one’s mental alertness).These power naps are very helpful in improving health issues also like blood pressure,stress etc. Adding some science into it.You must have have experienced that sometimes when you get up then also you are not satisfied with it.Also it must have happened that y

The Journey Begins

Thanks for joining me! Aloha Folks! I am Souvik Pan ,Computer Science and Engineering undergraduate from Motilal Nehru National Institute Of Technology (NIT Allahabad ). I decided to create this blog to help out JEE Aspirants with their preparations for various competitive exams.I will be discussing about the strategies followed by me and also by some of my fellow classmates during our IIT-JEE preparations.Along with these, this blog will contain efficient techniques to boost your preparations backed with science. Also as I am a martial arts teacher, Balck belt KAI(Karate Association of India),Nationla double Gold medalist .I love to blog about health and fitness along with self improvement. Meanwhile this will also help me out in improving my communication skills  So lets get started! Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton

Making out maximum output of every hour in your day

Seems like you already have that spark of motivation in you to excel in JEE.Let me help you keep that spark alive. Following are some of the hacks(my language if you have read any of my previous blogs) that will definitely help you to bring out the best of you everyday. First of all don’t target any rank or marks,rather try to improve upon your capabilities everyday. Now science is a proof that those people who study late night have a higher IQ than others.Sharing my own experience,what I did for this was that whenever I was at home in the afternoon then I used to sleep for sometime and then at night I used to study extra time ,4 times of what I slept in the afternoon.(Ex-I slept 1 hour then i used to study till 4 am and then again wake up at 8:30.) Try to take naps at those times when you can’t do anything productive eg-while travelling like in my case I used to sleep a lot while traveling in metro. Everyone does hardwork but those who do consistent hardwork are able to ma

A Dropper’s Plan

Wow!!! Nice to know that you are very serious about your JEE preparations. Now coming to the point , getting 280-290 marks in JEE Mains isn’t an easy task.  But, hey!!! Wait.  It isn’t impossible either. First of all please don’t make any rank or marks as your target. Rather make a target to improve upon yourself everyday. Note down your mistakes and make sure you don’t repeat them. You may make a new mistake and then note it down, just make sure you are not repeating any of the previously made mistakes. And even if you repeat any mistake then again note it down,this way overtime when you will be revising those mistakes before any test then you will get to know that these are the mistakes that I make more often so in the test I have to be cautious about this. Initially things will be little messed up but over time you will have a whole record of the mistakes that you have made.  Better is a devil known than the unknown. As you are a dropper so time is very precious for you. 

Test series(the real mystery)

Aloha Folks ! Hope you are doing good with your preparations.Many of you might  have completed their JEE syllabus and may be planning about what to do next, and some of you may be still in the syllabus completion stage.For people from  both these lots you need to enroll into some test series in order to hone your problem solving skills and get a taste of the real exam like environment. For those who have completed the syllabus: If you are in a coaching centre then you must have enrolled in their respective test series.If not ,then go for one .Keep one thing in mind that if your actual test is going to be online then the test series you join should also provide you with online test experience. Don’t go for test series which have difficulty level of questions way above than the actual exam.They aren’t of any use until you just want to have some very much fun with those questions and not focus on the actual exam . Start giving timed full syllabus tests at home also in the same e

When things go against you

Dear friend, If you ever feel like things are not going right and you  aren’t able to perform to your fullest due to this then for a moment go into flashback and try to remember that moment when you felt a lot of confidence.It may be before or after any test for which you were well prepared ,may be after completing a chapter which you earlier thought will be hard to do .Now think of the process that happened before you got that confidence within you.Yes,I am talking of the preparations that you did in the right direction in order to gain that confidence.Now your job is to repeat that process and gain confidence in every topic you feel low..I won’t say that it will be easy but I can assure you that it will be worth it. See, everything in this world is relative i.e. nothing is absolute . It is all upon how you take it. I remember that day when the results of KVPY were to be declared.We gave the paper online and didn’t have our responses with us .Nobody was sure about the ma