Being a martial arts instructor I know the joy children have whilst learning martial arts. But there are many more reasons why kids should learn #martialarts. Parents should encourage and sign their children up and start reaping the benefits early! Self-Discipline- The modern day children are accustomed to getting what they want when they want. Martial arts teach restraint and patience. No one wants their child to spend hours and hours playing video games or sitting in front of the Television screen .Learning martial arts will help them get off their screens and sofas and encourage them to be physically active. Having a competition or tournament that the children can aim for helps teach them to set goals in life and whether they win or not it helps them to deal with either outcome which will be beneficial in later life. Martial arts teaches them to respect seniors as well as the place where they practice as they learn the arts. In this way it instills the habit of respecting o...
Hey! Welcome to Zouvik's Blog ^_^ Being a fitness trainer as well as a Martial Arts Instructor I love to help people take care of their health through methods that are backed by science, through my blog. This blog is also a complete preparation guide to many competitive examinations like JEE ,Olympiads etc. aiming to help the fellow aspirants boost their preparation. So, what are you waiting for? Let's jump into it.